Right forearm: fireball/ flames. Left forearm: us navy anchor. Right upper arm : Eagle with Gina written underneath.
United States Navy (USN), Petty Officer Third Class (PO3 / EW3), Jason William Dies, also known as William or Bill Diaz was last seen on Tuesday, June 18, 1991. Jason William Dies returned to San Diego, California (CA), from a deployment aboard the USN ship, the USS HORNE (CG 30), in support of the Gulf War. In July 1991, he failed to report to his new command on Corry Station, Pensacola, Florida, where he was expected to attend "C" School (advanced training). PO3 Dies last made contact with family members in Louisiana (LA), on June 18, 1991, when he sent packages to his home of record in Lafayette, LA. He had contacted his aunt and advised her of the incoming packages and asked her not to open them. When the packages were finally opened, souvenirs for the family were discovered. Submit a Tip: If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate. Submit an anonymous Tip online TO: ALL PERSONNEL ASSIGNED TO THE USS HORNE 1989 - 1993 ALL PERSONNEL ABLE AND WILLING TO PROVIDE INFORMATION IN RE: REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE PO3 Jason William DIES, USN USS HORNE 1990-1991 I am conducting an investigation pertaining to PO3 Jason William DIES, USN, who is MISSING. PO3 DIES was assigned to the HORNE during its Gulf War deployment (90-91). PO3 DIES was commonly known as "DIAZ", and sometimes "Bill". PO3 DIES has been missing since returning from the noted deployment. NCIS will continue to pursue this investigation until PO3 DIES is found; as it should be. Thus far, NCIS has interviewed only one (1) person who reported seeing PO3 DIES after the HORNE's return to home port; other than that, NCIS has been unable to locate anyone who is willing or able to discuss their knowledge of PO3 DIES after the HORNE's return to port. NCIS has only interviewed a few persons who reported knowing or seeing PO3 DIES onboard the HORNE during its deployment. Any information regarding PO3 DIES during these time periods, during and after the deployment is extremely important. NCIS is expanding this investigation to ensure every person who knew and/or observed PO3 DIES or his associates are interviewed. The lack of input so far from the HORNE community is most likely due to a common perception the information sought by NCIS is limited to "what happened to PO3 DIES", and only that. HOWEVER, NCIS is searching for ALL information pertaining not only to PO3 DIES, but everything having to do with the HORNE, crewmates and associates of PO3 DIES, the HORNE's entire crew, and San Diego in 1991 and the surrounding time. In short, if you were on or near the HORNE in 1990 and/or 1991, NCIS needs to hear from you. The HORNE's crew numbered about five hundred (500) at any given time, so if you can limit your communication with me to e-mail, I am certain we can all work together effectively. When you send me an e-mail, you will NOT be wasting my time. Please include your full name, year of birth (if you're willing and comfortable) and contact information, such as a telephone number. Photographs and / or documents to facilitate the information you provide are very welcome. If the information you provide is from a source other than yourself (you heard something from someone else, or you "have a feeling"), your information is still extremely important to me; please explain yourself as fully as you can, to help me understand. If you believe someone has certain information, please let me know as much as you can. If you have information you perceive you are unable to share, such as medical or pay information, please contact me and we will obtain the appropriate legal clearance, if available before you share any information. If you know what happened to PO3 DIES, or where he is right now, please don't hesitate to contact me immediately. If you do NOT want to be named in a NCIS report, please let me know and I will discuss that with you. If you want to remain anonymous, you can submit a TIP via the "real" NCIS website (; click the "SUBMIT A TIP" button on the top of the home page. If you believe you have already provided NCIS information pertaining to this case, and there is nothing else you can add, please try and find the time and energy to communicate everything you know once again and provide all information you have. Although this seems redundant, it very well might provide clarification or additional information; this will be tremendously helpful. Please be patient for your Shipmate's sake, provide all information known to you, and encourage others to do the same. Some of the questions I would like each of you to answer, and some references to help you recall that time are listed below. Please don't limit yourself to answering just these questions. It is just as important to hear from you if you don't know PO3 DIES, never met him, never heard of him, don't know who his friends were, etcetera. 1. Did you know PO3 DIES? Please explain. 2. Please tell me everything you know about PO3 DIES, such as his hobbies, his personality, abilities, strengths, weakness, etcetera. 3. Please describe PO3 DIES, such as his physical description, scars, tattoos, physical infirmities (eyeglasses), etcetera. 4. Do you know who interacted / spent any time at all with PO3 DIES on and off the HORNE? Please explain. 5. What is the last time you observed or had any contact whatsoever with PO3 DIES? Please explain. 6. Do you know what happened, or suspect what might have happened to PO3 DIES? Please explain. 7. Do you know why PO3 DIES failed to report to his new Command? 8. Do you know how PO3 DIES planned on traveling to his new Command, if he planned to travel there, or anywhere else? 9. Did you, or anyone you know of travel east of California (Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia or Florida) between Jun1991 and Nov1991, such as to PCS, on leave, or to report to a new Command or training? 10. Where did PO3 DIES stay while on the HORNE, and who was in that area? 11. Where did PO3 DIES stay, and with whom after returning to your home port / San Diego at the conclusion of the deployment? 12. Where did PO3 DIES visit, and with whom after returning to your home port / San Diego at the conclusion of the deployment? 13. Did you see PO3 DIES in the company of anyone after returning to your home port / San Diego at the conclusion of the deployment? In an effort to help you recall PO3 DIES, the Gulf War deployment and your Shipmates during that timeframe, photos of PO3 DIES AND HIS CREWMATES, gleaned from the HORNE's Cruise Book dedicated to the noted deployment are attached; PO3 DIES was an Electronic Warfare Technician (EW). Also included are photos of the OPERATION SPECIALIST CREW and the SONAR TECHNICIAN / TORPEDOMAN'S MATE CREW, who I believe worked the closest with PO3 DIES' EW Crew; therefore, they will most likely be able to provide terrific insight regarding PO3 DIES. I apologize for the low quality of the photos. Below are lists of those assigned to the noted Crews. I apologize if I missed anyone. EWC John Allan WILLIAMSON, USNEW3 Richard Mark CHRISTENSEN, USN EW1 Michael Brian MCNIEL, USNEW3 Jason William DIES, USN EW2 Christopher Robert ENGLAND, USNEW3 John August SLOAN, USN EW2 Helmut Siegfrid DUDA, USNEWSA Stephen James HARRICK, USN OCCS WECKESEEROS3 GRATTOSSN FAZ OSC HANSENOS3 HILTONOSSN JESSUP OS1 CRAWFORDOS3 JACKSONOSSN MCCLUNG OS1 MYRICKOS3 NELSONOSSN PEREZ OS2 BAKEROS3 ROBLESOSSN PHILLIPS OS2 DELPHOS3 SANDERSOSSN RED OS2 INGRAMOS3 SCHUTTENOSSN RHODEN OS2 LINDLEYOS3 SPITTELLOSSN SOUTHARD OS2 ROBINSONOS3 TORRES-PEREZOSSN THOMAS OS3 CERVINIOS3 WHITTENOSSN GILLILAND OS2 SKILESOSSN ALVAREZOSSA GRAHAM OS2 WASSONOSSN BURNETTOSSA PARSON OS3 ADKISONOSSN CAMPEAUOSSA THOMPSON OS3 BROYLESOSSN COOLIDGEOSSA WHITMIRE STGCS CALLAHANSTG2 ALLENSTGSN WOLF STGC SHUGARSSTG2 MATHISSTGSN GARCES TM1 HARRYSTG2 KIRLINSTGSN GEDDIE STG1 FENNELLSTG3 NGINTMSN WILLIAMS STG1 LAMBTM3 TYUSSTGSN GILLILAND STG1 GILMORESTG3 D'ANGELONESTGSA ROBERTS STG2 RAYSTG3 RICHARDSONSTG2 LONIGRO STG3 BRUZZESE We are hoping to learn everything we can about the HORNE, PO3 DIES, and San Diego from each and every one of you. Thank you for your service. Thank you for considering to help your Shipmate, PO3 DIES and his surviving family members. Please accept this correspondence as an invitation to contact me regarding ANY knowledge you might have. Everything matters. Respectfully, Mark Mark SMEESTER Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) Senior Operational Specialist NCIS Cold Case Homicide Unit - Investigator NCIS Resident Agency Pensacola 821 San Carlos Road Building #3813 Naval Air Station Pensacola Pensacola, FL 32508 O: 850-452-4211 F: 850-452-4282 [email protected] More information and videos are available at:
Follow and share Troy's case on Facebook: Last Known Location of Missing Person Sonora, California 95370 Tuolumne County Circumstances of Disappearance: Troy was last seen leaving his home on 1/16/16. He has not been seen or heard from since. Circumstance Notes: original report taken by the Sonora Police Department, Sonora,CA. 209-532-8141. case number 16-83 Physical Description: Hair Color - Brown Head Hair Description - Dark brown; thick and curly Body Hair Description - brown Facial Hair Description - dark brown Left Eye Color - Brown Right Eye Color - Brown Eye Description - normal. thick eyebrows, dark Tattoos: left forearm: Japanese eternity symbol facing so he can read it back: 3/4 back tattoo of a devil/grim reaper trying to pull a ascending naked flying angel back to Hell with skulls and bones. upper right arm: cross about 9-10 inches height with initials JDH on top and Proverbs 18:24 Investigating Agencies
CASE OWNER Greg Rogers Tuolumne Sheriffs Department (209) 533-5815 Agency Case Number 16-0081 Circumstances of Disappearance:
Ryo John Stanistreet was diving with others off the coast of Point Concepcion when he disappeared. Their boat was in distress and Ryo may have been on a small raft at the time. The raft was located later but Ryo was never seen again. At the time of his disappearance, he was stationed at Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Missing Veterans and Missing Active Duty MilitaryThis is a brief list of missing persons cases whose cases are not highlighted as having a military connection elsewhere.
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