Tampa Bay Cold Case Project | CASE 4
"Semper Fi" Hillsborough County Cold Case Service Learning Initiative "5 Cases in 5 Weeks" CASE 4 HCSO Case No: 2011-063114 MEO Case No: ME11-00914 USF Case No: USF11-005 One morning while walking to work a man noticed someone lying on his back in the bushes. Realizing that the man was not moving, he called the authorities. On Monday February 7th, 2011, Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office found the body of a deceased white male. The man was found lying on his back in a wooded lot just north of the intersection of Highland Manor Dr. and Falkenberg Rd. N. in Tampa, Florida. This area was approximately 15 feet from the sidewalk at that intersection. Due to the status of the body, it is believed that the man was in this wooded lot since at least Sunday, February 6th, 2011. The man’s identity is unknown. CASE 4 Clothing The man is approximately 40-60 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall, and weighs approximately 151 pounds. He has brown eyes, medium length dark grey hair and a grey full untrimmed beard, mustache, and sideburns. The man has a knot on the right side of his forehead and a large black scar on his right shoulder. At the time he was found, he was wearing a black sweater with a Marine skull and wings graphic on the front and the words “Semper Fi” written on the back (size M), a long sleeved red button up sweater (no size label), a plain red Champion brand t-shirt (size L), a long sleeved Moose Creek brand blue, green, and yellow flannel shirt (size 1XL), a black Blizzard Professional Ultra brand hooded sweatshirt (size M), a pair of green and yellow Joe Boxer brand underwear with white duck graphics, a pair of Wrangler blue jeans (size 12 x 34), a black-brown colored belt, brown Rockport shoes (size 12), and plain black socks. The man may have lived in the general area surrounding the location that he was found. A facial reconstruction that may resemble this individual and a reconstruction of the individual’s clothing were created by the Forensic Anthropology Laboratory at the University of South Florida. If you have any information regarding the identity of this individual based on the above description and/or the facial and clothing reconstructions, please contact the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. Please contact Detective Jason Oliver at 813-247-0567, or call the Criminal Investigations Division at 813-247-8600. If you are looking for a missing person, contact The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) at www.NamUs.gov. NamUs is an online source that enables the public to search for as well as enter information about missing individuals. Many families have found their missing loved one by searching the site for unidentified individuals. http://forensics.usf.edu/projects/coldcase/4/
11-00914 2/07/2011
Hillsborough County Medical Examiner Falkenburg Road at Highland Manor Drive, Tampa White male. 5'8," 151 lbs. Gray hair. Brown eyes. Forehead has distinctive lump. Clothing: Large plain red Champion t-shirt, XL long sleeve Moose Creek blue-green-yellow flannel shirt, medium Black Blizzard Prof Ultra hoodie, green and yellow Joe Boxer underwear with white ducks on them, Wrangler blue jeans size 12 x 34, black / brown belt, medium black sweater with Marine and skull with wings on front and Semper Fi written on back, long sleeve red button-up sweater (no size label on it), brown size 12 Rockport shoes, black socks. Homeless. https://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/en/residents/public-safety/medical-examiner/unidentified-remains
Unidentified PersonsJohn Doe and Jane Doe cases in the USA with possible connections to the US military.
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