John Doe Pennsylvania
John Doe Berks County, Pennsylvania25 to 35 year old White Male
Discovered on January 16, 1977 in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania Found deceased in a cave near the Pinnacle, a scenic outlook along the Appalachian Trail in Albany Twp Berks County. Clothing included long winter undershirt and pants (size "S"), military issue with laundry mark B-0654. |
Race: White
Sex: Male Weight (pounds): 155, measured Height (inches): 70, measured Hair color: Long curly brown hair Eye color: Unknown or Missing Circumstances: Found deceased in a cave near the Pinnacle, a scenic outlook along the Appalachian Trail in Albany Twp Berks County. Estimated postmortem interval 1977 |
Leather buckskin Jacket, brown pull over sweater, dungarees with a brown leather belt, long underwear, cotton T-shirt, one pair black socks, one pair wool socks.
Footwear unknown
Jewelry ring white metal blue oval stone
Eyewear sun glasses
Footwear unknown
Jewelry ring white metal blue oval stone
Eyewear sun glasses
Fingerprint information is available elsewhere
Dentals: Dental information / charting is currently not available
DNA: Sample is currently not available
Dentals: Dental information / charting is currently not available
DNA: Sample is currently not available