John Doe Nevada
Race: White
Sex: Male Weight (pounds): 115 Measured Height (inches): 72 Measured Hair color: Brown Eye color: Unknown Circumstances: Passersby on motorcycles observed decedent hanging from a rafter in an abandoned building. White Pine Sheriff's Office personnel notified of this death. Decedent had hanged himself using bailing wire. The body was in a state of moderate/severe decmposition. |
Head hair: Wavy, light brown and streaked with gray. Hairline receding from frontal balding.
Clothing on body: Medium dark blue jacket, medium turquoise-blue vest style windbreaker, blue trousers, dark blue shorts and white socks
Footwear: Black, low cut, wing-tip style laced shoes.
Clothing on body: Medium dark blue jacket, medium turquoise-blue vest style windbreaker, blue trousers, dark blue shorts and white socks
Footwear: Black, low cut, wing-tip style laced shoes.
Fingerprint information is currently not available
Dentals: Dental information / charting is available and entered
DNA: Sample is currently not available
Dentals: Dental information / charting is available and entered
DNA: Sample is currently not available