John Doe Washington
John Doe Carbonado Washington18 to 24 year old White Male
Discovered March 18, 1989 Pierce County, Washington Extensive dental work may have been done by a military dentist. The Singha T-shirt from Bangkok was unique and was popular with soldiers in the late 1980s, indicating he may have been in the Army. |
Race: White
Sex: Male Weight (pounds): 155, Estimated Height (inches): 70, Estimated Hair color: Brown Eye color: Unknown or Missing Circumstances: Probable year of death 1987 to 1989 Body found in rural wooded area of the Carbon River Canyon near the end of Tubbs Road. Body exhumed 3/11/14 for DNA testing. |
Other distinctive physical characteristics: He had an extra vertebrae and an extra right rib. This may have caused him back pain. He had a narrow jaw and buck teeth.
Clothing on body: Tee shirt with logo of beer, spelling the name above a lion logo is "SINGHA" with orange writing next to the logo says "logger beer" with an inscription below the logo "Boon Rawd Brewery Bangkok". Levi 501 button jeans(size 29x34), Fruit of the Loom undearwear (size medium 34-36), and white socks with faded horizontal stripes.
Clothing with body: Long sleeve button front shirt with button down collar (purple buttons). The shirt label names "Visage" and "Dance Bizarre" size 15-small.
Footwear: Blue and white Pro-Ked tennis shoes with velcro closure and size 9.5
Clothing on body: Tee shirt with logo of beer, spelling the name above a lion logo is "SINGHA" with orange writing next to the logo says "logger beer" with an inscription below the logo "Boon Rawd Brewery Bangkok". Levi 501 button jeans(size 29x34), Fruit of the Loom undearwear (size medium 34-36), and white socks with faded horizontal stripes.
Clothing with body: Long sleeve button front shirt with button down collar (purple buttons). The shirt label names "Visage" and "Dance Bizarre" size 15-small.
Footwear: Blue and white Pro-Ked tennis shoes with velcro closure and size 9.5
Fingerprint information is currently not available
Dentals: Dental information / charting is available and entered
DNA: Sample submitted - Tests complete
Dentals: Dental information / charting is available and entered
DNA: Sample submitted - Tests complete