John Doe Maryland
Race: White
Sex: Male Weight (pounds): Cannot Estimate Height (inches): 71, Estimated Hair color: Body hair was light brown Eye color: Unknown Circumstances: Subject was found in a vacant shack (pig pen) in a heavily wooded area near the Pepco Power Station. |
Clothing on body: US Military fatigues, jacket, pants with a belt and white briefs
Clothing with body: Sleeping bag
Footwear: Black leather combat boots
Other medical information: Advanced Periodontitis (Receding Jaw Bones; Periodontal Disease)
Clothing with body: Sleeping bag
Footwear: Black leather combat boots
Other medical information: Advanced Periodontitis (Receding Jaw Bones; Periodontal Disease)
Fingerprint information is currently not available
Dental Status: Dental information / charting is available and entered
DNA Status: Samples submitted - Tests complete
Dental Status: Dental information / charting is available and entered
DNA Status: Samples submitted - Tests complete