Unidentified Homeless Veteran
Homeless Veteran Doe Houston Texas40 to 60 year old White Male
Date found July 14, 2009 Harris County, Texas Homeless decedent found dead in vacant horse stable behind strip mall. Decedent appeared to be living in the stable. Neighbors reported his name was "TJ." and that he was in the military. They also reported his date of birth may have been 1-1-1955. |
Race: White
Sex: Male Weight (pounds): 175, Measured Height (inches): 75, Measured Hair color: Gray or Partially Gray, curly and 1 1/2 inches in length, Eye color: Unknown Probable year of death: 2009 (1 Day) Circumstances: Homeless decedent found dead in vacant horse stable behind strip mall. Decedent appeared to be living in the stable. Neighbors reported his name was "TJ." and that he was in the military. They also reported his date of birth may have been 1-1-1955. |
Clothing on body: Grey/brown pants
Footwear: "New Balance" athletic shoes, white socks
Footwear: "New Balance" athletic shoes, white socks
Fingerprint information is available and entered
Dental Status: Dental information / charting is available and entered
DNA Status: Samples submitted - Tests complete
Dental Status: Dental information / charting is available and entered
DNA Status: Samples submitted - Tests complete